Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ever Watch American Idol?

Is Paula Abdul...
a gorgeous crack addicted freak?
a gorgeous, rambling, incoherent drunken fool?
the new James Bond?
my pal Hoagy?
Free polls from


Cake said...

If Paula Abdul is really your pal Hoagy, you should see if she can get you a guest role on the show.

You could be the crazy judge who compares everyone to Hitler. It'd be hilarious!

Cake said...

I'm terribly disappointed to see that Hoagy is losing out to the "gorgeous, rambling, incoherent drunken fool" option.

Terribly disappointed.

Lois Lane said...

Y'know, maybe its just that I'm really, really tired, but I'd totally watch a sitcom called "My Pal Hoagy."

Clinky said...

What if your friend's name was "Ludba Aluap?"